Sarv Music Academy
Music Lives Here

Kousha Nakhaei

Violin, Kamanche, Sarv Strings, Choir

Kousha Nakhaei is a multi-instrumentalist, music educator, and co-director of Sarv Music Academy. Having focused his studies on Western classical music on the violin and Iranian traditional music on kamanche (spiked fiddle), he has appeared on stage with various artists such as Loreena McKennitt, Sepideh Raissadat, and toured with Sarv Ensemble, an Iranian music ensemble he co-founded in 2010. Besides, he has studied composition, free improvisation, Arabic and South Indian music, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, and choral singing. He teaches violin and kamanche and also leads Sarv String Orchestra and Sarv Choir. He has appeared as a guest teacher of Iranian music at the University of Toronto, Axis Music, World Fiddle Day, and Earl Haig Secondary School. Kousha is always interested in discovering new, exciting and approachable ways of teaching music to students in different age groups and levels. The joy of music making together, positive motivation, creativity, and fluency and ease in technique are the hallmarks of his teaching.

Kousha Nakhaei


Kousha Nakhaei (Co-Founder, Violin, Kamanche, Sarv Strings, Choir)

Kousha Nakhaei is a multi-instrumentalist, music educator, and co-director of Sarv Music Academy. Having focused his studies on Western classical music on the violin and Iranian traditional music on kamanche (spiked fiddle), he has appeared on stage with various artists such as Loreena McKennitt, Sepideh Raissadat, and toured with Sarv Ensemble, an Iranian music ensemble he co-founded in 2010. Besides, he has studied composition, free improvisation, Arabic and South Indian music, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, and choral singing. He teaches violin and kamanche and also leads Sarv String Orchestra and Sarv Choir. He has appeared as a guest teacher of Iranian music at the University of Toronto, Axis Music, World Fiddle Day, and Earl Haig Secondary School. Kousha is always interested in discovering new, exciting and approachable ways of teaching music to students in different age groups and levels. The joy of music making together, positive motivation, creativity, and fluency and ease in technique are the hallmarks of his teaching.