Sarv Music Academy
Music Lives Here

Sarv Concerts

Sarv Concerts

Twice a year, in December and June, Sarv Music Academy features the work of its various ensembles and groups including orchestra, choir, traditional Iranian music ensemble, junior and intermediate string ensembles, Setar Ensemble, and Daf & Avaz group, and fusion band at professional venues in Toronto.

Sarv Concert and its audience

These concerts go far beyond the usual student concert and attract many music lovers who enjoy the polished performances, and engaging variety of music which includes new compositions and arrangements as well as classics and well-known pieces. Dedication and excitement of the pre-professional students, under the leadership of our amazing teachers always creates beautiful concerts that you are sure to enjoy.

If you missed our last concert, check out our youtube page for videos.

Sunday Dec 12, 2021 — 3-4PM
Infiniti Strings Hall
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