Listening Club
Listening Club is one of Sarv’s most notable events. This unique program has been attracting music lovers, professionals, teachers, and students every week since it started in 2013. Held every Monday night at Sarv Music Academy, it was initiated with the idea that when we collectively listen to music without the usual interactions, we can listen more intently and with more joy. Since then, Listening Club had helped our community discover a wide range of music from Western classical music, to Iranian traditional music, to popular, rock, and music from around the world, from well-known masterpieces to music we hear every day but rarely listen to with attention, and music we might have never heard before.
We regularly host special guests, who share their expertise in various topics, not just helping us with how to listen and what to listen for in a musical style, or opening our ears to new sounds and new kinds of music, but also about the social, political, and historical themes and ideas, and all that relates to music and listening.
Listening Club’s past guests have included Mohsen Namjoo, Prof. Farzaneh Hemmasi (University of Toronto), Prof. Rob Simms (York University), Jane Lewisohn (SOAS University of London), Hadi Milanloo (University of Toronto), Hamidreza Salehyar (University of Toronto), Nil Basdurak (University of Toronto), Anne Ledderman (Canadian fiddler), Martin Vandeven (klezmer clarinetist) , Mohammad Sarir (Composer), Naser Masoudi (singer), Layla Ramezan (pianist) as well as SARV team members, and many other contributors.
Sine 2018, some Listening Club sessions are broadcast on YOUTUBE. Many of these broadcasts are available on our youtube channel playlist.
Martin VanDeVen - 2017
Jane Lewisohn - 2018
Hadi Milanloo - 2017
If you are also interested in presenting at Listening Club, please contact us with a short synopsis of your presentation.